>In my opinion curse words make the person using them sound
>stupid, (and by association Linux as well). However, I'm not
>In my opinion, people who show that they think this make themselves look
>I don't believe that there is any correlation between intelligence and
>curse word usage.
Absolutely correct. All the people on this forum using words like `fuck'
and `suck' and `dick' and `cunt' are merely poor little rich boys pretending
to be tough by doing chinups on the gutter.
I told myself I wouldn't contribute to this thread, BUT ....
I remember being told as a child that profanity is used by people who
have a limited vocabulary and therefore aren't able to phrase their
comments in a proper way ... but being older (and maybe wiser), I have
found that sometimes a phrase like "fuck you" just can't be put
another way, not with all the nuances that it implies.
Personally, I consider profanity to be non-proper. That it has no
place in anything professional. Personal, yes, professional, no. I
guess the next question is "Is this a professional-level project or a
personal one?" We WANT it to be professional and accepted as such. And
for that level of acceptance, we should really leave the profanity
And by putting "F*cking" or other such variations does nothing to
diminish the propriety of it; it's the implication, not the spelling
that matters....
Just my $0.02 ...
(btw, this thread should continue on linux-offtopic) ...
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[ http://www.binary9.net/nicholas/ ]