Re: Microsoft FAT 32.

Shawn Rutledge (
Fri, 2 Aug 1996 00:15:19 -0700 (MST)

> >>>>> " " == Eamon Hughes (Work: eh@adv sbc sony co jp Home: eamon@finnmcol demon co uk) <> writes:
> > Any interest to anyone?
> Could someone clue me in. The name at least sounds like marketing hype.
> There have been 32 bit fats since about 32Mb hardrives where 16 bit
> fats were too small. Is microsoft _really_ producing another file
> system, or did they just decide to hype something, with a new name,
> _again!_ ??????????

Maybe the code to manipulate the new filesystem is all 32-bit. That would
be nice. But they still should have put NTFS on Win95, darn it...

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