almost: I have a card with 8MB VRAM which allows 2048x4096 with 8bpp.
the S3 chip doesn't allow line lengths >2048 and the XFree86 server
doesn't support 4bpp, so that's all I can offer right no :-(
Unfortunately I don't have neither the money nor the desk space for
a monitor supporting this resolution and I guess it wouldn't fit in
a shirt pocket either. we will have to wait a few more years so ;-)
-- All SCSI disks will from now on ___ _____ be required to send an email notice 0--,| /OOOOOOO\ 24 hours prior to complete hardware failure! <_/ / /OOOOOOOOOOO\ \ \/OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO\ \ OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO|// Harald Koenig, \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ Inst.f.Theoret.Astrophysik // / \\ \ ^^^^^ ^^^^^