On Wed, 31 Jul 1996, root wrote:
> My point, while perhaps not clear, was that such language in a
> professional enviornment is inappropriate. Too many posts I have
> read condone or even praise such language. My reference to "remove"
> was to the printk.
> It was never my intention to insult anyone although it seems others
> are only too willing to insult me while hiding behind email addresses
> I cannot reach.
> It is still my understanding that such language is still considered
> vulgar. At least in the U.S.
If the language needs to be vetted for various venues in the US, that can be
done. It would certainly be helpful for someone to make such a program
available. I think it would be an unnecessary inconvenience to have to
change the canonical source.
I've been programming for 28 years (in the U.S.) and 23 of those in
professional environments, and I simply don't see a problem. Nor would most
of my peers. I think my parents and grandparents would consider it vulgar,
but I just consider it a bit on the `colorful' side. As long as the actual
end-users don't have to see it; I think we can assume that programmers will
be adult and motivated enough to overcome their various cultural biases. Or
flexible enough to rewrite the comments for their own consumption.
Your mileage apparently varies, and that's fine....
Version: 2.6.2