Re: Microsoft FAT 32.

Michael Nelson (
Sun, 4 Aug 1996 14:32:21 -0700 (PDT)

This is not a security problem -- if you have a disk editor or one of those
NTFS drive reading utilities, you're in. One of the reasons that they don't
support it in DOS/Win95 is the fact that it is a complex and large file

-- Mike

On 3 Aug 1996, S. Lee wrote:

> In article <>,
> Shawn Rutledge <> wrote:
> >Ugh. They should at least provide a choice, NTFS or this new hack, like
> >NT does.
> I'd say it's more of a security problem with NTFS than their
> protected-mode blah blah blah stuff. Windows need Himem.sys anyway, so a
> DOS kernel with built-in XMS Manager and NTFS wouldn't be too weird.
> (Apart from not able to run some real-mode only DOS games...).
> But imagine your "secure" data in your home dir under NT being readable by
> everybody than boots up this DOS kernel...
> And yes, I've heard about the "physical security" arguments... But a
> multi-boot NT and DOS (and Linux) machine is not rare.
> Stephen