> the suspend/resume button. This perhaps would be just annoying if not
> fact that the 2nd suspend (..ie I ususpend it completely .. do some work
> and try then suspend again) will be fatal. it will cause complete lock up
> of the laptop, and need for hard reboot. Here it what gets logged when I
> press anykey after unsuspending the laptop.
> Sep 10 16:26:30 ax apmd[199]: Event 0x0002: System Suspend Request
> Sep 10 16:50:58 ax kernel: keyboard buffer overflow
> Sep 10 16:50:59 ax apmd[199]: Event 0x0002: System Suspend Request
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> WinBook XP5, Pentium 75mhz, 16mb ram,hdd 810mb,Active Matrix Display.
> Bios revision 5.09.
Uh - I don't have any precise info on this, but I do have the
observation that using apmd (*d*) has always had this effect for me
since 1.2.13 at least. Don't run it. It intercepts output from
/dev/apm_bios that seems to be better left alone. I suspect that what
is going on in my case is a syscall numbering incompatibility with
various patches that is triggered off just here. See what happens if
you don't run apmd. It won't affect the suspend/resume features.
I have the apm_bios 0.5 (patch for 1.2.13) distribution and whatever
made it into the 2.0.0 kernel. I have apmd 2.2.
Launching xapm under X (!!) locks the machine after about 30s.
I am running kernel 2.0.0 (and 1.2.13 and 1.99.11). This is an ibm
tp500 with phoenix bios.
> Also, I'm doing the suspend/unsuspend under X-window 3.1.2F
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> Any comments,hints suggestions. Even those hinting what to blame for
> the problem will be appreciated. ie should I blame the problems to
> -kernel (2.0.17)
> -X-window X3.1.2F
> -APM
> -bios?
Peter T. Breuer
|Departamento de Ingenieria de Sistemas Telematicos, Universidad Politecnica
|de Madrid, Escuela Tecnica Superior de Ingenieros de Telecomunicacion,
|Ciudad Universitaria, E--28040 Madrid, SPAIN.
|Tel. Office : +34 (1)336 6831
| Fax : +34 (1)543 2077 or 336 7333
|Internet : <ptb@eng.cam.ac.uk, ptb@comlab.ox.ac.uk, ptb@dit.upm.es>
| URL : http://www.dit.upm.es:80/~ptb/