> noone answered to that problem in the last five weeks, but at least
> Thomas Roessler <roessler@sobolev.rhein.de> and i have problems with
> linux-2.0.X pty's too:
> We found that Linux 2 breaks some pty-programs, e.g. xconsole, script, screen,
> old X11R6 xterms, some pty-programs work (in.telnetd).
I have exactly the same thing with 2.0.0. I've been blaming it on the
fact that I've increased the number of ttys and ptys to 128 from the stock
64[*], but it sounds exactly like what I'm experiencing.
[*] Wuhoo! 91 concurrent users on a P90 with 64MB and a load under 1.0.
- Alex