I'm using LILO version 19 (as reported by lilo -V) as my boot loader;
I tried a zdisk boot and it got as far as `Loading......' before a reset.
Hardware: Intel triton m/b (don't know the model, I'll try and find out if neccary)
hda: WDC AC21000H
hdb: ST5850A
hdc: ST5850
hdd: FX400E ATAPI CDROM drive
Miro S3 based graphics card
AMI BIOS (Can't remember the version)
If any more info is required, let me know...
-- Mike Bristow: mike@shivan.demon.co.uk The best UK M:tG tourney page: http://www.shivan.demon.co.uk/tourney/ My public PGP key: http://www.shivan.demon.co.uk/pgp/pgp.txt