Re: PLEASE! The person who patched kernel/exit.c for 2.0.1 contact me
Simon Karpen (
Thu, 17 Oct 1996 04:39:13 -0400 (EDT)
I've done binary patching before, both with sed and with GNU
Emacs. I know it's not everyone's favorite editor, but it does have
search and replace features, and is 8-bit clean. I've patched programs
under both Linux and SunOS (the Linux one was, ages ago, part of getting
Doom to run with an 8-bit soundcard, the SunOS one was changing the
hard-coded path for the cache for netscape 1.0 to /dev/null, so that
netscape wouldn't read and write huge amounts of data from people's
NFS-mounted home directories)
Simon Karpen,
Computer and Systems Engineering at RPI