This will allow you to refuse mail from domains you don't
want to see.
Here's the sendmail.ban file from my system:
These are people that have spammed me to no end.
You can customize the message that gets bounced back to
the sender of the message.
*everyone* should have in their ban file,
trust me. :-)
FYI, if you ever get spams from CICNet Customers, please let
us know at if they don't stop. We can turn them off, and
I'd be happy to rid the internet of these spammers.
- jared
David S. Miller graced my mailbox with this long sought knowledge:
> A few weeks ago you may recall that I claimed that I had reason to
> believe that a company was using snapshots of the vger mailing lists
> to use for junk mailings to innocent people.
> I never found out if this was in fact how they gathered their lists to
> send junk mails to. However, the company that tripped me off on this
> was in fact WorkGroup Solutions Inc. When I had received the
> advertisement, many others I know told me they had as well. I
> specifically sent them a response that said something along the lines
> of "Please remove me from these mass mailings, or I will pursue this
> matter legally."
> Yet, just today I received yet another advertisement for a different
> product from "WGS News ("
> I think this is an outrage, and I think many other Linux hackers are
> being bombed with this mailings as well.
> I would encourage people to send WorkGroup Solutions Inc. your
> feelings on this matter. I sure as hell will.
> David S. Miller