> Ok...big red face...here's a version that does actually seem to work.
> It's lightly tested with my SMP linux 2.0.22 box and a coworker's Loser95
> box.
> Using it, I get info like:
> Oversized packet received from
> I get the correct number of syslog entries. I suspect the problem with
> the first one was that you ended up feeding syslog garbage.
> This will be really interesting to watch for in logs.
Yes, it worked on my non-SMP Linux 2.0.22. Now the IP address
where the big ping packet was originated figures on my /var/adm/syslog.
Thanks Jon !
Best Regards from :
Bruno Kraychete da Costa Voice: +55(71)382-2834
Computer Science graduating Data/Fax: +55(71)382-4065
UFBA, Brazil Network Administrator(trying to :)
E-Mail: <brunokc@ufba.br> HomePage: http://www.ufba.br/~brunokc
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