Re: I must have missed it ....
Shinanyaku (
Sun, 20 Oct 1996 18:04:21 -0400 (EDT)
Danny ter Haar was heard saying ....
> Shinanyaku <> wrote:
> >1. I seemed to have missed the patch for fixing the ping -l 65510
> >bug. Could some kind soul report it for me?
> We have a complete set of patches and pre-patches available
> at our ftp server. (i sometimes make the pre-patches from
> the kernel source tree at linus machine ;-)
> -rw-rw-r-- 1 dth staff 22247 Oct 18 19:42 patch-2.1.5.gz
> -rw-rw-r-- 1 dth staff 6092 Oct 20 08:49 pre-linux-2.1.6-1.patch
Ummm.... is there any chance that I can get a patch of this versus
2.0.22 ? I'm running a production-level server here and can't chance
using an unstable kernel version.
I tried extracting the ip_fragment part and applying to my source
tree, but it barfed completely :(
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