# include <ctype.h>
int c;
c = 'e';
printf("%d\n", isalnum(c));
Should produce 1, did so with 2.0.21, produces 0 on 23.
I would appreciate help in this matter via email, its a production
machine and we need it, and rebooting is not easy because of long
running jobs..
add. info: libc-5.4.7 but it worked fine with 5.4.7 and kernel 21
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Olaf Schnapauff, Mountain View Towers #8427, Logan Utah 84321, USA phone (801) 797-6123, email slcdb@sys3.cs.usu.edu (alternatives if needed: olaf@slcdb.dorms.usu.edu, o.schnapauff@tu-bs.de, slcdb@cc.usu.edu) WWW http://cc.usu.edu/~slcdb/ Utah State University, Department of Computer Science -----------------------------------------------------------------------------