talk: annot assign requested address [99]
Patrick Main (
Fri, 01 Nov 1996 20:31:22 -0400
system is RedHat 3.0.3 with RedHat's updates kernel 2.0.23/23
and even original 1.2.13 when trying to use talk
Talk replies with the cannot assign requested address [99]
i can be logged in as root or anyone it does not matter.
a simple test is to login on two different ttys and talk to each other
My original machine i can "talk" between two logins on the same machine.
Another machine and one i setup for a client talk reports the eror message
Hmm Currently of four setups two exhibit this behavor while two do not???
Looking for what may cause this error message
ps: trying ytalk instead results in error message that says no talk daemon
on where the name depends on the machine of course
wall works fine
did check mesg y
/etc/inetd.conf is setup for talk
/etc/services also is fine
the line from /etc/inetd.conf is
talk dgram udp wait root /usr/sbin/tcpd in.talkd
the line from /etc/services is
talk 517/udp
well anyone ave any suggestions???