> Mostly because we actively took part at creating the MIME
> technology; Why would we oppose it ? The world has far
> more character sets than you can imagine. One survey found
> about one HUNDRED of them. (more if you count aliases)
As has been said already, let this thread die. If not, go find some
mime-flame or mime-advocate list. :)
my .02 :)
| Grrrl Code: BL~PA!!SF!!TP***F**B/F*A!V**B~G*O!S!!N*K!!H!DS*TF*R**C** |
| Geek Code: GCM/CS/CC/E/H/IT/MC/MD/S/SS/TW d- s+:- a15 C++++UL++++r++ |
| P+L+++++E++W+++N++o++K-w--- O M--V--PS+++PE++x++Y++PGP+++ |
| /\___/\ t+5++X++R+++tv+b+++DI++D++++G++e*h! |
| ( o o ) :):):) |
| === v === ToSeeTheWorldInAGrainOfSand,AndHeavenInAFlower, |
| ) ( ToHoldInfinityInThePalmOfYourHand,AndEternityInAnHour. |