I think it is needed for diagnostic purposes.
Also, right now, I need to figure out how to make a custom slackware
bootdisk with the decompressing ramdisk trick in it. I could get away
without figuring out how if I could use a buslogic=pci:no line to the
one you supplied. So I would have really liked that option!
(if anyone already knows how to make a S/w bootdisk with a
decompressing ramdisk, please let me know :-).
> You can turn it off with "BusLogic=TQ:Disable" on the command line. Chances
Is it "BusLogic" or "buslogic"? DOes it matter? Anyway, I'll be trying both.
> control how aggressive the tagged queuing is by booting with "BusLogic=0,N"
> where N is the number of simultaneous commands to allow. I'd try 15 or 7, but
> only if you have trouble with the default (28).
> Leonard
Thanks again!
Peter T. Breuer
|Departamento de Ingenieria de Sistemas Telematicos, Universidad Politecnica
|de Madrid, Escuela Tecnica Superior de Ingenieros de Telecomunicacion,
|Ciudad Universitaria, E--28040 Madrid, SPAIN.
|Tel. Office : +34 (1)336 6831
| Fax : +34 (1)543 2077 or 336 7333
|Internet : <ptb@eng.cam.ac.uk, ptb@comlab.ox.ac.uk, ptb@dit.upm.es>
| URL : http://www.dit.upm.es:80/~ptb/