And pony up 250$.
Serious technology dope smokers funded by their corporate handlers
only, please. :-)
The backgrounder page makes I2O look like quite a lot of similar
efforts that I've seen over the last N years- perhaps with some
better aspects than others. Such efforts have ranged from the
DDI/DKI to OBIOS (open BIOS specification) to CDDE (common
device driver environment) to (and this I kind of am tickled by)
someone saying that SunLABS has done a Java Class library for
writing device drivers.
What will be more interesting is what the producers of hardware
will go with- they're the ones who will probably drive the standards-
not the other way around. Having been part of efforts in the past to come
up with grand scheme solutions, I am somewhat doubtful of the ability
of hierarchical software models for abstracting hardware, no matter how
well designed and enticingly offered, to ultimately win.
Note, btw, the inbound/outbound message queues- I suspect that DEC
might have offered that one (it fits *very* nicely with the I/O hose
stuff they have for their high end machines).