If I pinged the server from the client, the data-flow would restart and
everybody would be happy. The server is a VAXen running third-party
TCP/IP software under VMS. The client(s) were all Linux boxes.
Now, with no changes except the kernels, no recompiles, etc. Everything works
as advertised! Whatever the Network wizards have done is certainly on
the right track. Thanks!
Dick Johnson
Richard B. Johnson
Project Engineer
Analogic Corporation
Voice : (508) 977-3000 ext. 3754
Fax : (508) 532-6097
Modem : (508) 977-6870
Ftp : ftp@boneserver.analogic.com
Email : rjohnson@analogic.com, johnson@analogic.com
Penguin : Linux version 2.1.11 on an i586 machine.
Warning : It's hard to remain at the trailing edge of technology.