> Chai Harjo writes:
> > Anybody in Linux community would be interested to port NDS to
> > Linux? It would be a big boost for Linux too because it is
> Aren't there issues with RSA encryption
> licensing? They use it to encrypt login stuff.
> Even if you had source, wouldn't you still most
> likely owe RSA money if you redistributed it? NDS
> is really slow too. Ick. And NDS alone doesn't
> come close to implementing all of their file
> server cruft, which is pretty, well, ad hoc comes
> to mind.
Oh, who cares about the file-server stuff? If sufficiently unencumbered,
this would be about 85% of a commercial-grade X.500 directory
implementation (missing the standard protocols that make it interoperable
with others, but that shouldn't be too big a stumbling-block).
Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer MWOOD@INDYVAX.IUPUI.EDU
Those who will not learn from history are doomed to reimplement it.