If you are interested in this card, take a look at
Too bad that the FAQ is in Russian (I couldn't understand it either).
I certainly would like it if anyone would bother to write a linux
driver for it. Currently I'm using it under DOS.
I do not know where can you get it from, but maybe an email to this
address will help: mailto:mikel@arvid.ru
Here is an excerpt from the page (pricelist):
hardware model 100kb/sec 200kb/sec 325kb/sec price warranty
Arvid 1010 x - - *no sales* -
Arvid 1020 x x - $35 1 year
Arvid 1031 x x - $65 3 year
Arvid 1031k x x - $80 3 year
Arvid 1051 x x x $85 3 year
Arvid 1051k x x x $100 3 year
Max tape size for
E-180 cassette, MB 1050 2100 3500
Minimum processor
for this speed 286 386dx 486dx4
16MHz 33MHz 100MHz
Magnus Hiie
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