has there been any progress lately on the UFS filesystem
in the common source tree ?
I have a PC at home with both Linux and NeXTStep. I find
myself using NS less and less and Linux more and more. I'd like to
reclaim my user space/files on the NS partition without reformating
NS claims to use UFS.
In the same vein, what's the news on Linux for the DEC
3100/5000 ? I have an old 3100 at home, networked to the PC, that
is struggling to run Ultrix on its 16MB of RAM. I'm sure Linux would
do a lot better...
Maybe I should start thinking of helping the dvp process. Ahh,
life is short.
Thanks for any future reply.
__________Hugues Talbot, CSIRO Maths & Info Sciences __________
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| ,-_|\ Down under, Locked Bag 17, North Ryde NSW 2113 |
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| \_,-._* <- There (Building E6B, Macquarie University) |
| , E-mail: hugues.talbot@cmis.csiro.au |
| WWW: http://www.dms.csiro.au/~talbot |