> For optimal perfomance on a Cyrix 6x86, should one compile as Pentium or
> PPro ? I've tried both and they both run fine, but which is better?
I think the current status is that, there is no difference, as no
production version of gcc has PPro (nor Pentium) specific optimization
yet. So, 486/Pentium/PPro flag should not make a difference. Maybe
there are some conditional defines to make the memory alignment more
generous for Pentium or PPro.
My 2 cents.
-- \////// Stephen Siu Ming Wong Internet: stephenwong@cuhk.edu.hk [ O O ] Dept of Computer Science smwong@cs.cuhk.edu.hk \_-_/ Chinese University of _| |_ Hong Kong / \_/ \ ____________________________________________________________oOOO___OOOo__