May we share our knowledge??? (hope this is not too "german" english -
- sorry ;-)
I looking for documentation on the InterWave Chip (soundprozessor
used on the Gravis UltraSound PnP cards) -- and I haven't found
any until now.
May be ... At are some links to documentation (586
K5 etc...) parts of this site -- but I haven't looked there because
I wanted information on the INterWave chip...
Please mail me, if you know anything about documentation of the
interwave chip!
Thank You in advance!
...who dances with modems...
On 21-Dec-96 Charlie Ross wrote:
>Does anyone know much about AMD chips?... I am looking arround and fo
und a
>decent deal on a AMD AM5x86-P75...
>Are there any major differences between this and a noormal pentium...
>linux like it? more? less? different?
> -Chuck
> (717)-337-8212
>"God is real, unless declared integer."
E-Mail: Meino Christian Cramer <>
Date: 21-Dec-96
Time: 11:40:26
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