On Sun, 22 Dec 1996, Keith Owens wrote: > Trying to compile a kernel with every legal option turned on. > The combination of CONFIG_SCSI=m, CONFIG_SCSI_IBMMCA=m is not accepted, > IBMMCA will only accept Y or N. Results in unresolved reference from > main.o to ibmmca_scsi_setup because the final ld does not include > scsi.a.
Not to be rude, but perhaps in the future rather than posting 20 different
bug reports to the list at once, it would be better to coalesce your
problems/questions into one report?
_ _ _
|s| Email: griffon+@cmu.edu |n| Linux * X-Files * Team OS/2 |u|
|r| Finger => PGP etc |g| Carnegie Mellon University |l|
|_|http://www.snurgle.org/~griffon|e| /\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\ |_|