Erik Andersen (
Sun, 22 Dec 1996 18:01:07 -0700
It has now been pointed out (ad nauseum) that the AMD 5x86 P75, which runs
at 133 Mhz is a fast 486 (I know, I have one). What I would be more
interested in are the differences between the AMD K5 and an Intel Pentium
of the same "P-rating"? What are the differences between the AMD K6 (which
will be available Real Soon Now) and an Intel Pentium Pro? What are the
differences between the Cyrex 686 and an Intel Pentium? What are the
differences between the Cyrex M2 (which will also be available Real
Soon Now) and an Intel Pentium Pro? How will Linux performance differ for
common applications (such as kernel compilation, ray-tracing, etc) when
utilizing these different CPUs?
Erik B. Andersen Web:
2485 South State St. email: or
Springville, Ut 84663 phone: (801) 489-1231
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