> I tried to put two 3com netcards in one box (to make it act as a router)
> but I couldn't get it to initialise the second one. Both works fine alone
> and I made sure there wasn't any conflicts. I use the module version of
> the driver specifying both base address and irq with insmod (also tried
> /etc/conf.modules with depmod).
Ok, exactly which driver is that (3c5??), and what did you tell the module
Was it something like:
insmod 3c5whichever.o io=0x0230,0x0240 irq=5,6
where card one is at io 0x0230, and irq 5; and the other is at 0x0240, and
irq 6 (I don't know if all modules can accept multiple values, or the
leading zero after the "0x", but ideally they should). If that dosn't
work, you can always use the -o parameter to insmod to allow multiple
instances of the driver, like so:
insmod 3c5whichever.o io=0x0230 irq=5 -o some_significant_name
insmod 3c5whichever.o io=0x0240 irq=6 -o some_other_significant_name
where the names are signficant to you (and will be in six months time
too (try 3c5whichever-eth0, 3c5whichever-eth1 ...) ;).
> PS. I am using the newest stable kernel.
> Baldur
-- PGP key pass phrase forgotten, \ Overload -- core meltdown sequence again :( and I don't care ;) | initiated. / This space is intentionally left | blank, apart from this text ;-) \____________________________________