Re: Bogomips... (WAS AMD)

Roeland Th. Jansen (
27 Dec 1996 09:04:53 -0000

Charlie Ross <> wrote in <<>> :
> I noticed that 2 AMD-P75 chips were clocking 66 and 75 bogomips...
> What is a bogomip? and why does my current REAL pentium 100 only clock 39

a bogomips value is used for internal kernel timing stuff. nothing else.

50 bogomips on an AMD doesn't mean that it's faster than, say 40 bogomips on
a P5. it's just nice to know information that doesn't hold any valid
information -- unless you have the same hardware as your friend and he's
getting 2000 bogomips and you end up with 10. this indicates that your setup
wasn't right :-)

> as apposed to 75 from a souped up 486 running at 75mhz... Sure makes me
> want to go and get an AMD...

see above. don't see the numbers as benchmark info. it isn't. really.

Grobbebol's Home (Linux 2.0.x i586)