> On Thu, 26 Dec 1996, Don Fisher wrote:
> > Is it time to suggest adding this to the kernel source tree? For us
> > with laptops and limited disk resources, this is a valuable addition.
> > * Don Fisher fisherd@aries.tucson.saic.com
> On Fri, 27 Dec 1996, Egor Egorov wrote:
> > No, there is a better thing in the world. There is chattr +c for ext2
> > filesystem, and there is a package, that adds support for this feature in
> > the kernel.
> I think Mr. Fisher was refering to adding in the compressed MSDOS
> filesystem support into Linux. The compressed ext2 is a neat feature
> that I have not played with and should be usefull for limited LINUX
> systems, but that does not help if the system has to access a compressed
> DOS filesystem. Linus et. al., I would like to second the addition of
> the dmsdos compression into the 2.1.X kernel ASAP. (Maybe even add the
> ntfs as an ALPHA option?)
I too would like to support adding dmsdos -- as an ALPHA option still,
because functionality is still changing (Stacker 3 rw to come, maybe
some speedup tricks). The need to get stuff from compressed dos fs
is one we'll have to live with for a while yet (and if 3D graphics become
a reality, we may have to compress our 4G drives ;-)
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