Re: "legal" advice required

Olaf Titz (
30 Dec 1996 15:52:57 +0100

Grant R. Guenther <> wrote:
> I suppose I ought to take the conservative path and consider this byte
> stream to be "code", and not part of a protocol transaction. My
> understanding of situations like this is that to be subject to copyright
> protection, code must clearly carry - in plain text - a notice of it's
> copyright status. No obvious rendering of this bit stream produces any

Wrong. The code is copyrighted in any case as of the Berne Convention
(see the "Copyright Myths FAQ").

The safest way would probably (no legal advice, I'm not a lawyer etc.)
be a user-mode initialization program that reads the original EXE file
(which the user has to provide) and uploads the code.


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_)>(_)______________ I will live for the groove 'til the sun goes down << ____