Re: Video card questions...

Rob Glover (
Thu, 2 Jan 1997 10:59:56 -0800 (PST)

First: Why would you WANT more than 1 video card? no real need.

Second: PCI is much faster than VLB.

Third: No real advantage, just having another monitor hooked up, but you
shouldn't need it, linux has virtual consoles.

Fourth: My suggestion is to use the PCI card and not do anything, you
can't merge the VRAM to 2 megs....


On Thu, 2 Jan 1997, Charlie Ross wrote:

> I have a q or 2 about video cards and linux... for instance.. what can do
> with 2 video cards? 3?
> Which is better pci or vlb bussing?
> Any advantage to more than one vcard?
> can I use the video memory for anything neat?
> The reason I ask is that I currently have a PCI bussed cirrus logic
> CL-GD5434 and I just got my hands on a Diamond "Speed Star Pro" (vlb) it
> appeard to be (to my untrained eye) a Cirrus Logic CL-GD5428 with a
> "SpeedStar Pro" bios. Havent put it in my machine yet... I also have a
> Paradise (ISA :P) Can I use all 3? 2? if so how... if not which one is
> best?
> Both the CL cards have a meg of vram... is there any cheezy way I can use
> both cards to gether to give me 2 meg? (wishfull thinking I know but I have
> seen some preety wacky things done with vram, including using it to up the
> available dos mem to 720k... )
> My machine will take vlb, pci and isa... so thats not a worry.
> Any suggestions?
> -Chuck
> (717)-337-8212
> "God is real, unless declared integer."