where is loadkeys src?
George H Byrkit (ghbyrkit@concentric.net)
Fri, 10 Jan 1997 09:25:21 -0500
When I applied some of the recent modutils patches, I ended up with a
dependency change that caused defkeymap.c to become out-of-date. Thus
loadkeys was invoked to attempt to turn defkeymap.map into defkeymap.c.
It failed miserably. It didn't know how to process 'Bare_' some key.
Thus the linux kernel build failed. I found that loadkeys is in
/usr/bin. But I couldn't find how loadkeys was built to see why it
wouldn't process the map file successfully.
Can someone help? Does this mean 'loadkeys' is broken? Or does it mean
I have an out-of-date program and where would I get a newer?
George Byrkit