Re: Port-Numbers
Bob Lanning (
Wed, 15 Jan 1997 23:58:17 -0800 (PST)
---- As written by
> Hi *,
> I know this is a little bit offtopic, but I don't have anyone else to ask!
> How can I get the PID of a process waiting for a connection on a
> specific port-number? I can see with 'netstat -a' that there is
> _someone_ sitting on it, but I can not see _who_!
> Thanks for any help!
> Martin
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Martin Bauer <>
> Germanischer Lloyd AG, Vorsetzen 32, 20456 Hamburg, Germany
> phone/fax: +49-40-36149-564/721
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Look for the pident source. It contains a utility that it's kernel interface.
This utility will list all open connections and their owners.
Robert Hajime Lanning "It's the FROSTING!"
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