A job well done
Jim Nance (jlnance@avanticorp.com)
Fri, 17 Jan 1997 09:03:07 -0500 (EST)
Hi all,
This post is not about technical kernel development issues. Rather
it is a success story that the people on this mailing list are largely
responsible for, so I thought I would post it here.
I work for a medium sized company that develops CAD tools for
integrated circuit design. We have about 400 employees. Keep in
mind that this figure includes non-technical people and people who
dont even use computers. Most of the employees are in California,
but I am in North Carolina so I don't know most of these 400 people.
Yesterday I decided to send email to everyone in the company requesting
that anyone useing Linux send me some email telling me what they were
doing with it. In the 18 hours since I sent that email I have recieved
34 responses. 33 of those from people using Linux and 1 from the
VP of Marketing and Corporate Product Management who requested a
summary of my results because people keep asking him about Linux.
I think this is astounding. I dont think I am going to have
any trouble getting 7 more responses to make it to 10% of the company.
I have also been impressed by the number of "higher up" people who
at least know about Linux. The VP of my division (who has not sent
me any mail yet) uses it, I got mail from another VP in California
who told me that they were running it on one of their computers, and
I got the mail from the VP I mentioned above. Who said this was
just a hackers OS?
Anyway, I though you all would like to know that people notice
and appreciate and use your work.
Thanks again,