Yep I know
> and happy running the new kernel with the network card blasting. I killed
> my nwserv daemon and the campus went back to normal. Heres the wierd
> part... it only effected the area immediately surrounding my machine.. and
> an entire subnet it wasnt even a subnet I was in! The reason I couldnt
That is what I would expect. A further out host wouldnt believe the error.
> 12345678 4 11 00000105 00:00:0c:05:95:9f <--- HUH?
Thats a real network route someone has. I guess it got assigned on the
quiet or isnt one they know about.
> C0E64B08 4 11 00000105 00:00:0c:05:95:9f <--- HUH?
> C0E64B07 4 11 00000105 00:00:0c:05:95:9f <--- HUH?
Again valid.
> GASD2 4 00000105 4 00:00:05:55,00:00:00:00:00:01,04;51
> ^This looks WRONG! ^Thats not like any
> server address I know.
Something fed your machine a good route via network 00000105. The rest
of the entry is right. Servers run on their internal network advert which
is node 1 for Novell 3 and Novell 4
> 00000101 00000105 00000C05959F
> 00000105 Directly Connected
> 8AEA9002 Directly Connected
This looks sensible. Its saying everything is routed via C05959F which
I assume is the router between you and the rest of the campus.
> Anyway in the end... apparently some higher up profs were very angry and
> the school is thinking of having me charged criminaly and forcing me to pay
> them for the time to pay all the people who doing net-debug.
That should be amusing. I can't quite see them managing to prove negligence.
I've only ever known that kind of event occur once. After all the rows the
student concerned threatened to file suit for libel and they apologized to
him. Im sure the profs will cool off.
It is however a good demo of why Novell is a bad idea. Any user, a virus
or bug in a client PC (eg a DOS box) can tear the net to pieces
> Please dont ask me to turn my ipx module back on for debugging
> purposes... I'm rather hesitant. :) unless somone would like files
> above from an earlier kernel that wont throttle my campus.
The route advertising isnt a kernel function thats what is so odd. Obviously
something tripped stuff up but it may even have been a bad routing packet
(If you get real hassle ask them if they run IPX checksums enabled - I bet
they dont and just use ethernet checksums - then ask them if they intend
to justify that in court). And no I won't ask you to turn nwserv back
I know of only one bug in 2.1.x with respect to IPX (its in 2.0.27 too).
The IPX code goes bananas if you turn promiscuous mode on (eg for
tcpdump). That will be fixed in 2.1.22 I hope.