Re: Linux for JavaVM
Alexandre Maret (
Sun, 19 Jan 1997 18:47:33 +0100
Matthias Urlichs wrote:
> In, article <>,
> Stephane Casset <> writes:
> >
> > Why translating the source to Java, just keep it in C or C++ but compile
> > it for the Java VM... The important thing is to have the bytecode. I am
> > wrong ?
> >
> Yes: you are wrong. The bytecode does NOT support such C features as
> "dereference an arbitrary pointer". The Java VM is supposed to afford a
> safe, "boxed", environment for arbitrary Java code snippets. You can't do
> that if you would ever allow the bytecode equivalent of perfectly-legal C
> code such as "*(char *)0x123456 = 0x78" to run.
there is bytecodes for memory access. It is just not
supported by the "classical" Java VM. But it is
supported by JavaOS.
Otherwise, how could you write a completely Java
Look for JavaOS information on
// Alexandre Maret -- Linux : The choice of a GNU generation //
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