I would beg to differ.
> Money is
> NOT the problem here - OS features, hardware support and software support
> are.
I beg to differ once again. Any corporation in business today who does
not look at cost as an issue will quickly see their cash flow dwindle to
nothing. More specifically, profitability is the issue and the more
something costs the less profitable it is. And if you've ever started a
company, these issues are primordial to survival in not only corporate
"America" but the corporate World. It's funny how we focus on corporate
"America" as if America invented commerce. For instance, Asia has been
practicing commerce quite successfully for thousands of years.
> 1) First and foremost - OS features make an operating system. As examples:
> good SMP support (scalability), async IO and security are a MUST for today's
> servers. As poorly as those features are implemented in NT, they are practically
> nonexistant in Linux.
Hmm, security non-existant? What security features are you missing
exactly? SMP non-existant? Didn't someone post a message earlier today
with kernel patches to be tested for SMP functionality? You'll have to
be more specific on async-IO.
> 2) Second is hardware support. Its actually related to #1, since (and lets
> be practical here) most hardware manufacturers are not going to waste their
> time developing drivers for an operating system thats not widely accepted
> by corporate America. NT, on the other hand, has support for just about
> anything thats out there.
That's why there is a world-wide cyber-community developing bits and
pieces as the end-user community requires these drivers or added
features, hence this user-list.
> 3) Software support is the same as #2.
And my answer is same as above.
> Everyone and their brother is
> writing windoze software for the same reason - NT's CORPORATE ACCEPTANCE.
That's because they are led like sheep by MS as to what technological
orientation their company *MUST* take. It goes without saying that MS
is in the self-promotion game (like any good marketing strategy). It
doesn't mean they are right, or more importantly, the only option.
> Face it - corporations are not going to buy Linux because it has Java
> support or because its international or because you get twice the performance
> over NT on the same hardware. However they are definitely NOT going to buy
> for lack of all of the above.
Hey if I can get twice the performance on the same platform, that means
I can support twice as many clients and thereby double my revenue and
profitability. And all that at a lower cost to boot! Hmmm, more money
in my pocket or more money in Bill's pocket -- that's a tough one for
corporate America allright.
> - but to get the so
> called "snowball of corporate acceptance" rolling the OS has to be on par
> with other server OSs and with that will come corporate, software developer,
> and hardware manufacturer acceptance.
If linux had 1/10th the annual marketing budget NT has, this so called
"acceptance" would grow quicker than the current pace. What this means
is, corporate America accepts a product based on how well it is
marketed, not on a cost/ value scale.
As for marketing-hype, I doubt you will ever see any Linux
marketing-hype. If Linux doesn't support a feature, it'll be in an FAQ
or a topic of conversation on a User-List. That's the beauty of Linux
(and all shareware for that matter), there's no marketing-hype, smoke,
or mirrors to mislead user-expectation.
The above statement is my personal, and honest opinion on the matter.
-- dave
EleComm Corporation http://www.elecomm.net http://www.10mb.com
David N. Cicalo mailto:Cicalo@elecomm.net
Systems Implementation Manager
...support your global Linux @ http://www.10mb.com/linux