Re: Good point of Linux over Windows NT
Alessandro Suardi (
Fri, 24 Jan 1997 00:39:11 +0100
Robert Krawitz wrote:
> In article <> Alessandro Suardi <> writes:
> Corporate users want to be able to scream "we are paying for your OS
> so run and give us what we ask", they don't want to have to explain to
> their top managers that Linus had a baby and he could not fix the bug
> in the Linux kernel yesterday.
> That doesn't mean that commercial software vendors will actually fix
> the bug at all, much less in any reasonable amount of time.
> The motto is "if something goes wrong the folks who gave me the OS are
> responsible for that", which will never be true on Linux.
> Responsibility does not equate with actually doing anything.
> Microsoft may be responsible for bugs in Windows; does that mean that
> they'll actually do anything about it if you're not a significant
> revenue source for them?
hmm, this is not the first response which appears to assume I am trying
to show the good in "corp users'" mindset.
Those people are braindead. But actually for that reason there is not a
single hope to wake their neurons. If they believe NT can be a server
OS for serious reasons, it's over. I dare supposing that even a massive
project failure could only result in them firing their own tech people.
Unless somebody fires them Linux won't have any way through. And IMHO
a vast majority of top managers is too technically unskilled to take
the right decisions.
I asked for a port of Oracle8 to Linux, if this can tell anything. Never
got any reply from US. 'nuff said.
BTW may 1100 NT servers (sigh) be a "significant revenue source" ?
--alessandro <> <>
Linux-i386 kernel-2.1.21 libc-5.4.17 gcc- binutils-