The eepro.o module did not work for me.
You can get this at:
Kirk Robinson Periphonics Corp.
Sr Project Analyst 4250 Veterans Memorial Hwy.
Email: Bohemia, N.Y. 11716
Voice: (516) 468-2568 Fax: (516) 471-8322
On Tue, 4 Feb 1997, xtract wrote:
> ok.. i finally got the module working (or so i thought) after compiling it
> on another linux-2.0.28 box. I insmod ./eepro.o and it loaded fine. I
> then ran /etc/rc.d/rc.inet1 (after setting it up ;) ) and i telnetted out
> to another ox and logged in successfully. I then tried to telnet in and
> when i entered my password, it echo'd to my screen. I then hit enter and
> it just sat there. I lost my outgoing telnet and had to reboot the
> computer. any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
> ~xt