Adaptec AHA-2920 PCI SCSI host adapter? supported?

Derrik Pates (dpates@Cavern.NMSU.Edu)
Sat, 15 Feb 1997 23:16:38 -0700 (MST)

I've heard people trying to get AHA-2940 series PCI SCSI host adapters
working, but I have not heard whether or not the AHA-2920 SCSI host
adapter is supported. I believe it uses an AIC-7800-series controller
chip, but I'd like to hear from anyone who has gotten one to work/found
that it doesn't work/has anything else useful to tell me. I want to get a
Zip drive, but I flat refuse to buy a parallel port Zip drive - it's just
too damn slow, and I want a good SCSI host adapter that will be compatible
with most anything I put onto the SCSI bus. Also, if there's something
better - this IS a single user machine, my personal box at home - PLEASE,
by all means, suggest it. I don't want to spend over $200 for a SCSI host
adapter, if I can get away with it. I can get this one for about $130, and
it seems like a good deal. TIA for any feedback anyone can give me.

P.S.: The problem I was having with "Block on freelist XXXXXXXX isn't
free" went away after reinstalling my Slackware base packages - I has made
the stupid mistake of trying to run the X font server from inetd, and that
only screwed things up. Thanks to the people who dropped suggestions my
way, but it is now fixed.

Derrik Pates

"What'll you two lovable plush toys have?"
"How 'bout a root beer popsicle and an Orange Julius? What about you,
"Dishwater! And put it in a dirty glass!"
-Sam & Max
"Fair Wind to Java"