On Tue, 18 Feb 1997, Olufemi Mansa Anthony wrote:
> I'm not sure whether this is the correct mailing-list to ask this question.
> If it isn't please let me know which group is appropriate.
> I've just upgraded my kernel from 1.2.3 to 2.0.28 and created a boot disk
> using
> make zdisk
> When I try to boot the new kernel, it prints out all the diagnostic messages
> up to the point where it mounts the ext2fs filesystem, and then it just
> hangs.
> I've tracked the error down to this protion of the code in init/main.c:
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> while (1) {
> pid = kernel_thread(do_shell,
> execute_command ? execute_command : "/bin/sh",
> if (pid < 0) {
> printf("Fork failed in init\n\r");
> continue;
> }
> while (1)
> /**************************RIGHT HERE !!!! ***************************/
> if (pid == wait(&i))
> /****************************************** ***************************/
> break;
> printf("\n\rchild %d died with code %04x\n\r",pid,i);
> sync();
> }
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> In other words, its blockin/dying on the wait for the child process - the
> kernel_thread process?
> Upon using printk, I have been able to get the following error message
> printed:
> "Child process died with error code 1100"
> Anyone knows what this error code means in the context of the kernel?
> This wasthe error code that the kernel_thrad routine produced.
> I'd appreciate any help you can give as I am VERY FRUSTRATED with this
> problem.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Olufemi Anthony "Without struggle...
> femibyte@onyx.interactive.net there is no progress..."
> http://www.interactive.net/~femibyte Frederick Douglas
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------