I've just tried the 2.1.27 kernel.
I get TONNES of "Socket Destroy delayed (r=0 w=...)" messages, as soon
as I attach the radio interfaces. This problem exists also with
2.1.26, but here I get only a few kilos of messages :-) so I can live
with it, as someone told me it's just a harmless warning.
But in 2.1.27 they're so frequent that I can't do anything else
without constantly refreshing the screen output. And I do want the
kernel messages to be displayed so that I can see if something is
going wrong.
Now please, can you tell me what shall I do to allow you developers to
address this problem ? Tell me if I have to run strace, ksymoops or
what else, and also if you want a copy of my linux/.config file.
These messages have also the annoying property of triggering the
monitor power-on, so I had to disable the powersavings with setterm
and I just use the power switch to shut the monitor. Darn! I've paid
for those fancy green functions :-)
One last note: if you make the linux-kernel list a closed one, how are
you going to collect such kind of bug reports ?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pierfrancesco Caci | internet: | ik5pvx | ik5pvx@infogroup.it | Office for the Complication Firenze - Italia | | of Otherwise Simple Affairs Linux penny 2.1.26 #3 Tue Feb 11 10:00:31 MET 1997 i586 unknown