re: a.out binaries that are 66% faster than ELF

Marc Lehmann (
Thu, 27 Feb 1997 00:04:06 +0100 (MET)

This is long known.. I thought this was because
elf-shared libraries were somewhat slower, but that cannot account
for 50%...

The mapping for elf is more complicated (isn't it?),
but this, too, should not account for 50%...

I doubt that gcc -S will help... gcc's output
is not significant different when using a.out (unless
you use -fpic also).

Any ideas? I'd like to have an answer to this question..
back in the i486 days, the difference was about 10%,
and nobody cared... but 50% (66% in that case)
is way to much!

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---==---(_)__ __ ____ __ Marc Lehmann
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The choice of a GNU generation