The "WE WERE ALL BEGINNERS AT ONE TIME" claim holds truth, but... some
(dare I say, most) of us learned by ourselves, reading books,
experimenting, etc. I didn't learn by posting annoying questions on
mailing lists, from the beginning I knew enough to not annoy others
with basic questions, and instead sought answers from books, FAQs,
lurking, and IRC.
This isn't about shutting out people, it's about reducing the noise.
Alot of us are a bit tired of newbie questions, some more than others.
Personally, I don't mind them, I just ignore them. However, several
people have suggested good solutions that didn't restrict the reading
of linux-kernel, and only moderatly restricted the writing to, so that
some sembalance of freedom remains. ;)
"Nothing is to be feared but to be understood." / Julian Squires
"A fool and his data are soon parted- encrypt" /
"You can run but you'll only die tired!" /
Version: 3.1
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