Re: how does fork() work?
Snow Cat (
Wed, 26 Feb 1997 09:44:34 -0800 (PST)
Marty Leisner once wrote:
> I want to write a debugging fork (i.e. one that prints and stops after forking).
> I want to use LD_PRELOAD to wrap around I need a more complicated C
> function called fork, eventually invoking the syscall.
> I'm a bit confused with the libc architecture for syscalls, what headers
> (sysdep?) do I need to pull out of the tree and place around an application
> for this?
> What I eventually want is:
> fork()
> {
> fancy stuff;
> result = system entry point fork()
> if(child) {
> printf();
> pause();
> }
> return result;
> }
The simpliest solution would be to call dlsym(RTLD_NEXT, "fork") (in <dlfcn.h>)
and link your preload library with -ldl. Free compatibility with Solaris :)
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