I have been getting this same error in both the 2.1.27 and 2.1.28 kernels.
It has not seemed to effect anything, but the exact same pppd setup works
with out any problems using the 2.0.18 and 2.0.29 kernels.
!!!!!!!!!!!!! ....... The free UNIX operating system
Jay Schulist `:::' ....... ......
SPACS Network Developer ::: * `::. ::'
onyx@coredcs.com ::: .:: .:.::. .:: .:: `::. :'
http://www.coredcs.com/~onyx/ ::: :: :: :: :: :: :::.
finger://onyx@coredcs.com ::: .::. .:: ::. `::::. .:' ::.
..:::.....................::' .::::.
UNIX is user friendly. It's just selective about who its friends are.