A manual on programming the hp48s series calculator in machine code
took almost two years to translate from french, I ordered it when I
first saw
the translation offered, by the time I received it, I had already
purchased a 48g series, and most of the entry points described
were not correct.
The best solution:
Learn to read German, French, Spanish and English, and you will
probably end up a lot more informed. Or you could just hack at it, but I
admit that reading source code does suck a bit.
On Fri, 7 Mar 1997, Tom Dailey wrote:
> I am a systems programmer trying to become familiar with LINUX
> internals. I just finished looking over a book mentioned on this
> mailing list, entitled LINUX Kernel Internals. The book seems well
> organized and well written. On cursory inspection, I found chapters on
> all of the major subsystems that I would expect in any internals
> book on a contemporary UNIX-like operating system. Then I read the
> preface. This book is based on version 1.2.0 (slackware). I am currently
> using version 2.0.27. Clearly, there are differences between the two
> versions. There might well be entirely new subsystems in the newer
> kernel. My question is this: Have any of the major subsystems covered in
> the book changed so radically that the book's coverage is of no (or
> negative) value?
> The book costs $45. I would love to enrich the authors for providing
> such a possibly valuable document, but is it still valuable?
> Any advice would be appreciated,
> Tom Dailey