Re: Question about /proc/kcore

Robert Glover (
Tue, 11 Mar 1997 08:16:28 -0800 (PST)

haha... <sorry to laugh :> /proc shows system stats, etc.. the kcore
file is the same size as how many megs of ram you have.. if ya have 32
megs of ram, ya have a 32 meg kcore file... its not REALLY taking up space
on your harddrive.. it is a virtual picture of whats currently in
memory... Don't worry :>


On Mon, 10 Mar 1997, Sascha 'SieGeL' Pfalz wrote:

> Hi all,
> don't know if this question was already written here, but after browsing some
> of my dirs, I found the file /proc/kcore, which is by now 33558528 Bytes (!)
> in size ?? I just wonder what this file means (sorry for this poor question,
> but I've not very much experience with linux, still learning it...) and why it
> is so big ???
> I'm running Kernel V2.1.27 with all updated versions of the programs listed in
> Documentation/Changes, more infos available if required.
> Thx for your help,
> --
> .------------------------------------------------------------.------------.
> | Name: Sascha 'SieGeL' Pfalz - Leader of (tRSi-iNNOVATiONs)| Only Amiga |
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