Re: Possible ISS4 Problem
rohrer keith w (
Tue, 11 Mar 1997 01:40:54 -0600 (CST)
> I compiled an ISS4 kernel shortly after it was released. I'm using ip_masq
> to connect my local network (using the ip block) to the inet
> thru a 33k6 dialup. Before ISS4, i had no problems, but now it seems like
> if I leave a telnet session idle for more than 20 minutes or so (maybe
> half-hour), it gets closed.
It's always been this way. It's kind of annoying; it'd be nice if it had
a longer timeout (easy to change) or only expired sockets when they actually
closed or the port numbers were needed for new connections...
> I presume this is somehow related to the ISS4, as this never happened
> before updating to the ISS4 patch.
It happens to me all the time. Perhaps your old version had a patch to
extend the timeout that somehow got lost.