Might be possible, but I've had reports of slaves getting stuck when
involved with ISDN. There's a flaw in the eql scheduler that I have not
figured out yet, when involving very high speed interfaces.
IP over SCSI is a very interesting thing anyway, especially if you get into
clustering machines.
I know that Digital UNIX has a limit of 8 nodes or so in a cluster,
and the cluster we're working on now, has a limit of 4 shared devices
per bus, because the the controllers (id 6 and 7) are eating a couple
of slots. Probably would be a cool thing in the long run for Linux to
do some kind of clustering with UltraSCSI (or whatever *SCSI that
allows you to have 15 devices (or 14 in this case) to play with.).
> Eric Hoeltzel
-- Simon Janes http://abies.com Abies LINUX Consulting ph: 703-486-3828 sjanes@abies.com fx: 703-486-3828 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -