> What is a system supposed to do when its halted?
> My linux 2.0.29 system still responds to pings.
> My freebsd 2.2 seems to be dead.
> When we halt, everything should turn off...(pings are
> often an indication a system is alive).
I don't think this needs to be a kernel problem.
You could get your shutdown script logic to simply ifconfig all your
interfaces down before 'halting'.
Does the Linux kernel even have such a thing as a 'halted' state? I would
have a assumed we just end up with no processes running and all
filesystems umounted.
Louis Mandelstam Tel +27 83 227-0712 Symphony /|\ /|\
Internet systems integration http://sr.co.za Research { } { }
Johannesburg, South Africa mailto:louis@sr.co.za (Pty)Ltd {___} {___}